about me…

music obsessive with a wild passion for beautiful and efficient systems. has trouble choosing a single focus or consistent hairstyle. advocates for human-scale thinking & design.

All my music: alisonwilder.net/music

Duo w/ Greg Wilder: doctorbody.bandcamp.com

YouTube: youtube.com/@AlisonWilder

Too Much Music podcast: toomuchmusicpodcast.com (or your podcasting platform of choice) | TMM on YouTube

Me on Mastodon: @[email protected]

Web design/development: punktdigital.com (for artists/arts organizations) | wickedgoodweb.com (for small/medium businesses)

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thumbs up in front of a Faderport classic next to a mechanical keyboard. The Faderport has extra labels for Bitwig functions.

For the 4 people with Faderport Classic using Bitwig on Linux

I have a Faderport Classic. It’s the PERFECT transport device — small, with only what you need to survive, and fits in my keyboard drawer beside my keyboard and mouse. But alas, it’s pretty old-fashioned, and isn’t supported in most places. Bitwig has never liked it, even on Windows.

But as of today, it’s working with Bitwig in Linux!