about me…
music obsessive with a wild passion for beautiful and efficient systems. has trouble choosing a single focus. advocates for human-scale thinking & design.
All my music: alisonwilder.net/music
Duo w/ Greg Wilder: doctorbody.bandcamp.com
YouTube: youtube.com/@AlisonWilder
Too Much Music podcast: toomuchmusicpodcast.com (or your podcasting platform of choice) | TMM on YouTube
Me on Mastodon: @[email protected]
Web design/development: punktdigital.com (for artists/arts organizations) | wickedgoodweb.com (for small/medium businesses)
Latest Posts

Analog vs. Digital? Nah. PC vs. Hardware.
You cannot get musical with a mouse.

The Sign of a Teaspoon: Magical Realism in “Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes”
I’ll never forget hearing Paul Simon’s album Graceland for the first time. As a kid growing up in West Texas surrounded by country music and perpetually drowning in the blood of Christ, the South African musicians on that record blew … Read more

Studio POV: Organizing my DAWless Setup
I needed to do a little housekeeping on mah banks before some upcoming performances, so I strapped a little gimbal camera to my chest and talked my way through it. Come for the rambling, stay for the Clark Kent drinking … Read more
Further Than The Eye Can See
I just came across this video on the DECtalk, an early and famous speech-to-text synthesizer. And then I wondered if I could use it on my modern, decidedly-not-Windows-NT computer. And the answer is: yes! Huzzah!

Annual Studio Revamp: 2024 Edition
In a fit of personal nostalgia, I’ve been looking back at previous posts, journals, and spreadsheets recently. One pattern that has emerged: once every year in the early summer, I make major changes to my studio in an attempt to fix things that have been driving me crazy.

Live at the Ambient Grill
Last weekend, Greg and I made some completely unplanned…err, improvised ambient music at my house. He played for several hours during the party, and I joined in a bit. The release is the stuff we played together. You can listen … Read more