The Ambient Grill: Loop to be Merry

It all started with party planning. I decided to have a summer grillin’ bash, which is obviously a good idea in the first place. Of course, I invited Greg Wilder, and he immediately said, “what if I played ambient music the whole time?” Thus, the Ambient Grill was born. Or, the concept was born. The … Read more

Why I Don’t Journal Every Day

Everywhere you turn, the suggestion for creative people is to “journal every day.” It’s “the artist’s way,” we’re told. Honestly, I felt internal pressure to keep a daily journal way before I ever heard of Julia Cameron. There are multiple books from my childhood filled with pages that start with a litany of excuses for … Read more

Album Release: Misalignment by Doctor Body

This week, Greg and I released Misalignment, our first LP as our duo Doctor Body. My favorite quote so far: “Part shimmering sonic collage, part experimental dream pop, all hauntingly catchy.” I’m so thrilled to get this album out in the world. It’s honestly my favorite thing I’ve ever worked on. This has been true … Read more

Hello GPT, My Name Is…

I wrote the following introductory text for my personal ChatGPT account when I wanted to use it to help me brainstorm (???) ideas for my new YouTube channel. As I’ve already found with prompt writing, it was clarifying to describe myself to an LLM for this very specific purpose. I’m much more honest/blunt than I … Read more