Further Than The Eye Can See

I just came across this video on the DECtalk, an early and famous speech-to-text synthesizer. And then I wondered if I could use it on my modern, decidedly-not-Windows-NT computer. And the answer is: yes! Huzzah!

Why I Don’t Journal Every Day

Everywhere you turn, the suggestion for creative people is to “journal every day.” It’s “the artist’s way,” we’re told. Honestly, I felt internal pressure to keep a daily journal way before I ever heard of Julia Cameron. There are multiple books from my childhood filled with pages that start with a litany of excuses for … Read more

A snowy field with a inner tube in the foreground and adults and a child down the hill in the distance

Finally, a Snow Day

Got in a little snow shoeing and went sledding with my favorite 2-year-olds and their adults. What a great snow day! I didn’t realize how much I was missing the snow until I saw it this morning.