Sunday Post Wrangling – 04-10-23

Every Sunday (or, in this case, not on Sunday), I pull all of my posts from my Mastodon account into a blog post here.


Mix procrastination achieved: I just designed and priced out a new, very sturdy Jaspers keyboard stand to replace my mediocre Standtastic stand, on which everything moves when I play with any force.

Bad news: it has room for a couple more items.

Good news: I’m forcing myself to wait to buy it until I’m done mixing.

Or, wait, do I have the “good” and “bad” news mixed up?!? Oh, let’s face it, it’s all good news.

Also good news: It has a 6U rack at the bottom, which is not shown. So my AKAI EWI3020m will have a real home!!

My mockup of a Jaspers keyboard stand build


From @radiofreefedi here’s an example of 3 nice things you could do:

1. Make a pie
2. Wear something brown
3. Support the fedi artists you’re hearing

Seriously, if you want the exact opposite of the Google/YouTube/Spotify experience, check it out. It’s a lot of fun.


“I mostly only miss you when I put the cover on the king size duvet.”



Just removed Google Analytics tracking code from my website. I’m not gonna lie, it felt good.


“I am a naturalist, but coincidences give me a glimpse of what the supernaturalist sees, and my worldview is briefly challenged.”

I enjoyed this essay about coincidences and natural/supernatural thinking. As an extremely pattern-oriented person, I experience very intense coincidences pretty often. As an atheist and naturalist, I don’t believe they mean anything except to me, but like the author, I always want to believe they mean more.

#atheism #supernatural


Did you like the #80s? Did you notice when the 80s ended and turned into something sinister?

If so, I think you should go on a weird wild ride sponsored by @composergreg


Wow. People were not joking about Everything Everywhere All At Once. It is an instant lifetime favorite for me.

Also, I really want my own Racooncouille.


Just bought this fantastic new album on #Bandcamp. Check it out for maximalist fun experiments in sound design for songs.

Fawn / Brute from Katie Gately


“If AI is capable of writing journalism, then surely AI is also capable of reading journalism. Let the chatbots write for one another, and leave us out of it.”

#ai #bs

The final word on artificial intelligence by Alex Ross


I somehow am just listening to Kate Bush’s The Dreaming for the first time. Is it possible that Tori Amos has based her entire output on this album?


After a couple of years of writing, recording, and production, I’m creating the mastering file for my upcoming Blix Byrd album, IX. Which means, it’s ALMOST DONE.

Honestly, I keep occasionally sobbing with a mixture of powerful emotions — joy, relief, even pride. As a person who isn’t generally very emotional, these mega-feelings are so intense. I’m extraordinarily grateful to be able to have this experience, and am so excited to put this project out into the world.


Now THAT is what a phone should look like after an OS install.

#Graphene #GrapheneOS #degoogling

A smart phone with a plain black background and only 6 installed applications. Graphene OS, a privacy focused fork of Android, was just freshly installed.


#CurrentlyListening to My Fascinating Instrument by Oskar Sala, who helped to develop the amazing trautonium, and was also an incredible composer and performer. Highly recommend! h/t to @composergreg

#electronicmusic #experimental


I just decided to subscribe to #Obsidian Sync, mostly to support the development of Obsidian. What a perfect service! If you’re on the fence, try it. I know $10/month seems pricey for a subscription, but it’s a small price to pay for such a fantastic piece of software. (The sync service really is the icing on the cake.)


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