Joined the Arts Alive! Board!

I’m thrilled to have been asked to join the board of the formidable, cool, and formidably cool local arts service organization, Arts Alive!! (This sentence has two exclamation points because one belongs to the organization’s name, and one belongs to my enthusiasm for the organization.) I’ll be serving at least through 2022. Arts Alive! is … Read more

Alison's Yamaha U3

The piano in its natural environment

New-to-me Yamaha U3 is in FULL EFFECT! Funny, it looks like it’s been there all its life. I’m absolutely thrilled with it so far. My main complaint: it sounds like it should play like a grand, and of course, it doesn’t. That said, I’m SO enjoying the feel of it, esp. for songwriting and classical … Read more

Love o’ jesus

When you spend all day learning and perfecting a JavaScript charts library, only to realize at 3:00pm that a table is actually the best solution.  

How we roll Christmas

The season may be officially over, but that doesn’t mean the party has to stop. As you can see, Don Quixote is the strong, silent type, but he’s enjoying the vibe. Clink!

One Mouse, Two Cups?

On January 1, 2019, original works from 1923 will move into the public domain. This batch will be the first new public domain works in over 20 years. Mickey Mouse was born via Steamboat Willie in 1928. That means that, barring further Disney intervention, in 2024, the Mouse can become…anything. I, for one, am keen … Read more

Interest index

Create a list of everything you’re interested in, ever, here. All of it. Sea mammals Global politics Linguistics Micro-timing and latency adjustment Evolution as a heuristic for other things Cultural influence on story-telling See also, folk stories Crimes and how they’re solved Religion Mythology