Sunday Post Wrangling – 03-19-23

NB: The featured image is of snowdrops in one of my back beds — the recent snow melted in that area and there they were, on March 18. Spring is springing! (I mean, here in northern New England, it’s not really going to be springing but more loitering for awhile, but still.)

Every Sunday, I pull all of my posts from my Mastodon account into a blog post here.


Am feeling very tempted right now to avoid mixing by migrating my personal #WordPress site to a #Markdown-based CMS like #Jekyll so I can pretty much just publish straight out of my #Obsidian vault.

But mix I shall. I must. I will. I’ve got to get this album cranked out so I can go back to making music. (Solo producers, you know what I’m saying.)


Very cool article on #SciFi album art of the late 70s and early 80s.

Shusei Nagaoka album covers |


A screenshot of an email from Alice, a recruiter for Keurig Dr Pepper informing me of an HR manager opportunity

Someone’s algorithm is way, way off. I’m here to tell you that at Keurig Dr Pepper I would do none of these things.

Also, Keurig Dr Pepper? Really?!?


I listened to Doolittle by The Pixies while clearing snow from the driveway today. It was a favorite of mine as a youngster, but it’s been a minute since I heard it. That album is SO FUN! Highly effective snow blowing music.



Just doing a bit of Sunday morning reorganizing of my #Feedbin. I’m re-categorizing things so that a) personal blogs have their own category (yay, I’m finding so many more to subscribe to!), and b) major news organizations have their own category, so I can filter them out easily.

Feedbin really could make this process easier, but it’s kinda nice to go through every feed anyway.


Aand, just like that, thanks to a little Feedbin re-organizing and some time at, my #RSS reader is like a whole new place!

Particularly loving the personal blogs category as a source:


Really cool find on my expedition: blogs from writers in prison

It’s a little tough to read, because it consists of scanned letters from people in prison, but I love the idea of being able to get this perspective regularly.